Monday, April 30, 2012



It's late in the afternoon on a beautiful spring day in Texas. Walking alone on a road that rarely sees a car and I am so hungry. All I can think about is how hungry I am. In fact, the walk was supposed to distract me from my growling stomach. But to no avail.
One month earlier I had agreed with 6 other men to enter into a secret month long fast, each man fasting for twenty four hours, and passing it along to the next man. The purpose of the fast was to support the leadership in our church, praying for each elder and his family.  At the time it seemed like a good idea, even though I know I get grouchy if I go without food longer than four hours. And on this particular day I had hit the wall, so I began praying as I was walking.

Lord, I am so hungry. And why am I doing this anyway? It can't possibly make any difference to You, if I'm fasting while I'm praying. Certainly praying is enough. Right? I mean, men do this kind of thing all over the world to appeal to their gods. They practice self denial, they fast, they pray for hours on end, getting louder and louder. They cut themselves and wail and throw themselves on the ground.They sacrifice animals. They sacrifice their own children.  All in an attempt to get their gods attention and to gain their gods favor. So what's the difference Lord, between what they are doing and what I'm doing?

Now I want to stop here for a moment. I'm not one of those guys who hears answers to his prayers. I'm not one of those guys who goes out of his way to have a "spiritual experience." If anything, I lean in the direction of shunning the Spirit, for fear of being scared out of my wits. Charismatic I am not.

Looking up, with eyes wide open, I hear three short sentences. Now mind you, there was no audible voice, but I've never forgotten the words that came into my mind.

"Yes Terry, you're right. Men do these things. The difference is, I'm the real deal."

Since that day, I've thought quite a bit about that encounter with Jesus. I've hesitated to write about it. Not wanting to cheapen it. At the same time wanting to give all the praise to to the One who bore my sin, and who, without scolding me for complaining, gave me an encounter that will last until my dying breath.

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