Tuesday, April 10, 2012


You've heard a lot from us. How could you not? We've made more noise than any previous generation. You see, "It's all about us." If this is news to you just think back over what we have introduced to the world. We're the generation that brought you the 60's. Now many of you may not be old enough to appreciate just how unusual the 60's were, but the fallout from that decade is still wreaking havoc in American culture.

I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me rewind a little. We come from the parents who were the greatest generation. Our parents were born before the Great Depression, fought their way through WWII and preceded to raise their children in the safest and most affluent time in America's history. It was our parents who instilled in us the importance of character, hard work, honesty, faith and patriotism. And what did we do with this wonderful launch? We threw it in the dumpster. We took the gifts given to us by America's greatest generation and perverted them for our own selfishness.

We're the ones who became physically rebellious on campuses all across the land. We scoffed at patriotism, scorned our military men and women, made fun of hard working fathers and mothers and produced songs that were the threads of anarchy. We gave you the bumper stickers that said, "if it feels good do it." We introduced laws that provided abortion on demand, no fault divorce, started the trend of lawsuits for frivolous infractions, decided that day care was the best way to raise children, preached the nonsense that there is no difference between men and women and raised billboards declaring "God is Dead."

Then just to be sure that our influence and presence was continually felt, we became the professors, the politicians, the lawyers and the social engineers that have kept our self centered dream alive.

We are now entering the retirement years. You may think that you are finally done with our nonsense, but, "Oh---No," we have now increased our demands. We want health care for all of us older folk who need it more and more everyday. But we are so generous with your tax dollars that we are willing to include you in the plan. Besides it makes us look so compassionate. We also want senior care, bike paths, handicap access to everything, senior passes, senior discounts, senior menus, senior, senior, senior. You see, "it's still all about us." we are the leading consumers of not only your tax dollars, we are also leading the charge for every cosmetic operation known to man. And we go around saying things like, "hey, I'm on a fixed income!!", when in actuality we are the richest generation [in terms of money] that America has ever known. And still we demand free prescriptions, Medicaid, Medicare, electric scooters, eye glasses, and shuttle buses. And I hate to tell you this, but we're not through.

If you don't stop us, we will bankrupt the nation. Sacrifice isn't in our vocabulary. We do know that our social engineering has changed the way all Americans think. We have convinced ourselves that you are better off because of us. And of course, we still think that we are vital to the betterment of mankind. It's going to take years of hard work and sacrifice to correct what we have done. The one advantage you will have is we will finally be dead. God help the generation that rediscovers our nonsense.


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