Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It was a long day. I was tired and wanting to get home, but first, a stop for dinner at McDonald's. As I wheeled into the parking lot there was a car right behind me. One of those imports that has been lowered and modified. The sound system was rattling my windows. As I got out of the truck, the driver of the car parked next to me. I paid scant attention, but I did notice the tattoo's, the trousers with the crotch at the knees, and the untied shoes. What a waste I thought. Another drugged out kid, slouching into McDonald's for some food. Obviously this guy is so saturated by today's culture that he isn't even aware how predictable and annoying he is.

I place my order and then head for the bathroom. As I am returning to the counter I pass by this young man who has already gotten his food. There he was, leaning forward, and what was that printed on his shirt? a picture of Jesus, with the words, "soldier of the cross" written underneath. And why was he leaning forward like that? He was earnestly praying over his food.

Well, shame on me. My self righteousness andprejudging was hanging out all over the place. I was humbled by this young man. What a lesson God was teaching me at that moment.

Now wouldn't it be nice if this lesson really stuck with me. Of course it would. But it hasn't. I found myself just this very day, doing virtually the very same thing I just described earlier in this post. It is discouraging. However, God is faithful. He will not allow my present state of mind to rule. He forgives. Daily. He renews daily. He encourages daily. Praise His name.


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